Solvent dyes are used extensively in fuel, oil, lubricant, grease, wax, and plastics coloration applications. These highly-concentrated heat-stable colorants, available in liquid and powder form, are soluble in polar solvents and hydrocarbon-based oil and lubricants. Their high concentration allows the formulator to use minimal amounts of dye thereby causing no change to the product’s original physical characteristics.In addition, their stability to high heat makes them a good match for lubricants, engine oil, automatic transmission fluid, and grease. Some lubricants are water-based and would require our water- soluble dyes or possibly pigments. The fluorescent  solvent are used for leak detection in engines and hydraulic systems, and oil/water path detection in oil-field applications. Petroleum applications include gasoline, diesel, jet-fuel, biodiesel, fuel additives, heating oil, and kerosene. Wax applications include candles, shoe polish, coatings, parrafin, lamp oils, and beeswax. Plastics applications include SAN, ABS, PLA, PET, acrylic, polystyrenes, polycarbonates, nylon polyamides, and other polymers & resins .

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